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Rebecca Mabis, Owner/Baker/Decorator

It all began with a cute but flavorless cookie.  My son and I went to a local event and purchased a very cute snowflake cookie.  I asked him how the cookie tasted and he said, "It's good, but it's not as good as your cookies."  Obviously!  I'm mom!  But I took a bite and he was right, it was dry and flavorless.  And so began my journey to create adorable but delicious cookies.

My son in 2016 with that infamous cookie
My Gramps with the pupper

I’m a single mom, raising my 11 yo son, 2 yo Goldendoodle and 88 yo grandfather in our home in Hampton, IL. I have my hands full, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.


Family is top priority, second only to my relationship with Jesus. I am very involved in my son’s school, volunteering, serving on the PTA Board and teaching JA in multiple classrooms. So it makes me appreciate your support of this little sugar business that much more, because it allows me the time to be at his school as much or as little as I want. Eventually he is going to get to the age where he doesn’t want me there as much, but until then...


I am also an active member of The Vineyard Church of Davenport. I serve on our prayer team, lead the drinks team for our Community on a Mission Day and I lead our singles tribe “ONE”. I know you all tuned out at singles tribe, but I promise you, this isn’t your typical singles tribe. If you ever want to visit and see if the Vineyard truly means it when we say come as you are, let me know and I’ll save you a seat.


I love to read (especially trilogies, so if you know of a good one let me know!), crochet, small DIY projects and gardening (but don’t look at my flower garden this year. The weeds took over and got away from me before I could do anything about them:/) Peonies, Dahlias, Hydrangea and Bleeding Hearts are my favorite flowers.



I started this business out of necessity. I keep it out of love. Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to many more years being your go to sugar baker!

My boys and me 
Oscar, our 2 year old Goldendoodle
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